Your Best Small Business Advice

We recently held a Twitter contest asking for the best advice you’ve ever received when it comes to running a small business, and the response was overwhelming! Check out some of our favourite answers, and feel free to tweet @TheUPSStore_CAN with your own nugget of wisdom.
#TheUPSStoreAdvice @TheUPSStore_CAN Be patient. Be ready to be rejected, but it only makes you stronger and more determined. #SmallBusiness
— Maz (@mazinsanity) July 5, 2017
Check to see if a small business credit card will meet your needs. #TheUPSStoreAdvice @TheUPSStore_CAN
— Randomaniac (@krbcan) July 21, 2017
@TheUPSStore_CAN @TheUPSStore #TheUPSStoreAdvice Audit your accounts every year; send your projects for tender to get the best price.
— Aliya (@Rogue_Femme) July 22, 2017
@TheUPSStore_CAN Don't give up and don't let a 'no' stop you. Work hard, educate yourself, and fight for your business. #TheUPSStoreAdvice
— Stephanie (@steph_xoxo10) July 25, 2017
Offer the best customer service possible. People will choose your business if they feel valued! #TheUPSStoreadvice
— LB (@Vivika26) July 18, 2017
Do your research. Make sure you are marketing to the right people . #theupsstoreadvice don't be afraid to change up your marketing strategy
— Amber Young (@aly3360) July 26, 2017
I love this advice: "Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do" – Oprah Winfrey #TheUPSStoreAdvice #win #smallbiz
— Maly 🌸🌺 (@sugarstepmom) July 27, 2017
Be meticulous with your paperwork #theupsstoreadvice @TheUPSStore_CAN
— Psalm (@WolfPsalm) July 27, 2017
Listen to advice from others. It is always wise to listen to what others have to say.. customers, employees, etc. . #TheUPSStoreadvice
— Josh S (@daddysask) July 28, 2017
Customer service can make or break a company. Strive for excellence. #TheUPSStoreadvice @TheUPSStore_CAN
— Nancy J Montgomery (@TheNancy2880) July 24, 2017
No matter how small you must have an up to date, easy to manage web presence so custoemrs can reach you #TheUPSStoreadvice @TheUPSStore_CAN
— MrDPrize (@MrDPrize) July 5, 2017
@TheUPSStore_CAN Your staff are your greatest resource, people who r appreciated always give more
— TINE (@cmcgeenme) July 6, 2017
Make sure you take recovery time for maximum performance. #TheUPSStoreAdvice @TheUPSStore_Can
— David Zinger (@davidzinger) July 10, 2017
@TheUPSStore_CAN #TheUPSStoreAdvice Consult a lawyer, accountant or other professionals to confirm your contracts/business plan are solid.
— Aliya (@Rogue_Femme) July 7, 2017
#TheUPSStoreAdvice @TheUPSStore_CAN Having many ways for your customers to pay – don't rely on just cash and debit.
— Serena D (@SteelheadRed) July 9, 2017
@TheUPSStore_Can keep networking and sharing your story. You never know who you're going to meet through your connections #TheUPSStoreAdvice
— Erika Komori (@erikakomori) July 7, 2017