How Small Businesses Can Gain Visual Identity with Signage

Branding plays an essential role in establishing and maintaining the identity of your business. Your logos, branding and signage should attract attention and communicate your message clearly, which can inspire positive feelings that extend beyond the products and services you’re selling.
The amount of time and effort put into branding can often impact a business’ success, which is why it is especially important for small businesses who are just starting out or who need to grow their consumer base to create a branding strategy that connects with their audience.
A great way to accomplish this is by producing branded visual elements. It takes only 50 milliseconds for someone to form a first impression, which why it is essential that your visuals not only convey the right message but generate a memorable and positive impression.
Signage represents a large portion of the type of visuals a small business presents to the public, which can include posters, lawn signs, banners, window clings, and more. Learn how signage can help your small businesses build a visual identity and make an impact.
Gain Notice Outdoors
Visual stimuli are all around us, especially when it comes to brand marketing. However, that shouldn’t be discouraging if you have a small business because it is an effective way to catch the public’s interest. Establishing general interest from consumers is often the result of them noticing something eye-catching, and adding branded signage to your outdoor space helps to extend your messaging beyond the confines of your store. Creating and maintaining a visual identity with outdoor signage can be a low-maintenance tactic to gain visibility.
If your business has a great sale or you are running an interesting campaign, creating an eye-catching outdoor, weather-proof banner or poster that potential customers can see before entering can help drive them into your store and explain the promotion with little effort on your part. Speaking to them through your company’s visuals can create an identity for your business and increase foot traffic.
Generate Traffic to Your Store
Brick and mortar small businesses may find it difficult to get customers into their stores, but signage can help. It can also help your business stand out from the rest, which is essential in order to build trust and credibility. For example, having an eye-catching window cling outside your store can generate interest from your target audience when they walk or drive by, which can make them more inclined to go inside.
Establishing a visual identity through outdoor signage also alerts potential customers to where you are located, what you have to offer, and how they can engage with your business. Since you have a limited amount of space to get your message across and you want your text to be succinct and eye-catching, determine your most important message (e.g., “30% off,” “Walk-ins welcome,” “No appointment necessary,” etc.). Too much text on signage can look cluttered, which may dissuade potential customers from reading it.
Attract Attention Indoors
Similar to gaining notice outdoors, maintaining a visual identity indoors is just as important. Indoor signage can help keep customers engaged, inform them of any processes required (e.g., “Order here”), and alert them to any promotions you may be offering. It is important to guide your customers through your store and provide them with the necessary information they should know about your products and services, and creative visuals can help achieve this.
Indoor signage can also help contribute to the overall experience that you want your customers to have in your store. Creating that personal experience with customers, especially as a small business, is essential in maintaining interest and brand loyalty long-term.
Maintain a Consistent Style
When designing your signage, consistency is key. Although eye-catching design is important, it is equally important that you are adequately explaining to potential customers who you are as a business, what you represent, and what you can offer them.
Factors such as fonts, colours, and logos are important when creating a visual identity, as well as maintaining consistency. Having a consistent style illustrates that your business is professional and reliable. Knowing what to expect when customers engage with your business can translate into repeat interactions. Brand consistency can help you connect with your customers on a personal level, which will build loyalty.
The UPS Store can help you design and print your indoor and outdoor signage. Get started on building or maintaining your visual identity by contacting a store near you for details.