Chronic workplace stresses are no fun for anyone, and it’s certainly no secret that prolonged exposure to such environments can lead to a state of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion known as burnout.
Those experiencing burnout often feel drained, devoid of energy, focus, or motivation. Some struggle to sleep, while others suffer physical pain, such as muscular aches or intestinal issues.
While people in all walks of life can fall victim to burnout, franchise owners are often at elevated risk given the broad range of responsibilities many take on at their businesses, and the struggle they may face in setting adequate boundaries between work and relaxation.
Importantly, burnout is not permanent. Once recognized, it can be managed and even eliminated with the right responses, such as addressing the issue with friends and loved ones, taking the time to eat, sleep, and exercise adequately, and finding a relaxing, healthy activity that helps relieve the stresses of work and life.
The same tactics, combined with a few others, can also be applied in advance to help prevent burnout before it happens. If you’re a franchise owner, or any kind of busy person facing a non-stop mountain of responsibility, here are some of the things you can do to help avoid burning out at work.
Avoid overworking by sticking to set hours
As much as possible, try to avoid going overboard with the hours you work. Admittedly, eight or nine hours a day might not be enough to keep some franchise businesses running as smoothly and efficiently as their owner likes. Still, everyone has a breaking point, and going beyond it all the time is a surefire way to end up burnt out. Be reasonable, but set some limits with the length of your work day. Whether it’s tasks or meetings, try your best to schedule things in advance as much as you can to help make the balancing act easier. Learn to anticipate the busy, stressful periods and take advantage of quiet spots by making time to get away and unwind.
Don’t be afraid to take a real vacation
A day off here and a long weekend there can help keep burnout at bay, but one of the best ways to fully recharge your batteries is by taking a vacation. Staycations are relaxing but getting away is even better because changing the environment can help change your mindset and allow you to view things in a new light.
Being away from your business for multiple days at a time doesn’t have to cause more stress than it’s supposed to solve. With some careful planning and preparation, it’s possible to create the time and space you need to focus on yourself.
Delegate as much responsibility as you can
According to the old saying, if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself. The truth is, however, that franchise owners don’t have enough time to try and follow that advice. No one person can handle all the work at a franchise business, and anyone who tries is likely to end up burnt out in short order. Instead, it’s important to hire quality employees and delegate responsibility to one or more of them. Identifying and hiring a deputy or manager to help run your operation can reduce the risk of burnout and free you up for more important, big-picture tasks and responsibilities.
Don’t neglect diet, exercise, and rest
Healthy living plays a big part in reducing stress and avoiding burnout. When we don’t eat right, or find time for both exercise and recovery, we’re setting our mind and body up for serious challenges, if not failure.
On the other hand, we can help ourselves handle everything life throws at us by following a healthy diet, making sure we hydrate properly, getting plenty of rest, and exercising regularly. If you’re not into jogging or lifting weights, consider yoga or meditation as ways to give your brain a break.
Connect with your franchisor, or a fellow franchisee
While franchise owners often work in isolation from their parent business, they’re never truly alone. A good franchisor wants its franchisees to succeed and is willing to provide support and assistance when needed. If the stress of problems or unsolved issues is burning you out, don’t be afraid to connect with your franchisor in search of assistance and answers.
Likewise, a fellow franchisee from your same parent business (or possibly just another franchise business owner in your local area) can be a helpful, appropriate sounding board for questions, frustrations, stresses, and other queries.
Explore The UPS Store’s Franchise Opportunities
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